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This country nipple knows her way around thoroughbred studs. When she hosed water, her intentions were as clear as her eyes. All she had in mind was a whipping. The farmer's employee's a simple guy. He agreed to dip her wet patch right away. Well, the redheaded bitch got what she wanted - a portion of steaming milk in the morning made her happy in the morning. Just happy such frank desires!
When you rent out things for repair, you have to ask for a price. Here the client could not pay, and the master offered her to repay the debt $ 500 with her body. That's a good price even for a decent girl. Apparently this thought also came into her pretty head - the gadget is more expensive. Well, when she saw his powerful cock, the remnants of pride completely evaporated. Good decision - clever blonde!
Girls, let's do it again.